George Washington commandeered airports, probably in order to protect his troops from cancer causing windmills on all the farms they would have had to march through without airplanes. The moon is a part of Mars. Cofveve.
Unlettered, unread, stupid Presidents are nothing new. Neither are corrupt Presidents. Ditto for incompetent Presidents. We’ve even had racist Presidents. And while Trump tops all those lists, his real distinction in presidential history lies in being the most evil President. And I do mean E-V-I-L, without hyperbole.
Harmful public policies are not necessarily evil; some are simply misguided. What makes a policy evil is the motivation behind it. Jim Crow laws, for example were evil, because of their racist intent.
Trump, of course, makes no effort to hide his racism. In fact, Trump is happy to use racism as a political tool to exploit ignorant voters, which is to say his base. But as evil as that is, there is an even more wicked force at work in the White House—good old-fashioned greed.
Nowhere is greed more evident than in the current situation at the southern border. Separating children from their parents and holding them in cages is obviously inhumane. To do so to exploit voters’ bigotry is evil. And to do so for financial profit is thoroughly evil. Make no mistake about it—the humanitarian crisis at the border is the direct result of greed. And Jesus said, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” Not some. All.
Like many prisons in the criminal justice industry, the detention facilities—or prisons or concentration camps or whatever you want to call them—at the U.S./Mexico border are owned by private, for-profit, companies that contract with the federal government, the two largest of which are the GEO Group, Inc. and CoreCivic. In 2017, these two companies alone earned one billion dollars just from I.C.E. contracts. That’s not a bad return on the half million dollar investment they made to Trump’s 2016 campaign.
Other companies that profit from the Administration’s immigration policies are: BCGS, Southwest Key, General Dynamics, MVM Inc., CSI Aviation, the Nakamoto Group, Deloitte, John Hopkins University, Bethany Christian Services, Salesforce, Microsoft, Pen-Link, Amazon, Palantir, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Thomson Reuters Special Services, Motorola, Xerox, Canon, Dell, JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, U.S. Bancorp.
According to, “It doesn’t do migrants and refugees a service to pretend that white supremacy, capitalism and other forms of oppression aren’t intertwined. Divesting from these companies, calling them out, protesting them, shaming them for choosing profit over human dignity, is necessary. Staying silent is a form of complicity and there are over 40,000 migrants who cannot wait for us to be stirred into action. We must do something now.”
The Geo Group and CoreCivic charge taxpayers $750.00 a day to imprison children at the border after they have been mercilessly ripped from their parents’ arms. That’s $22,000.00 a month per child—and that astronomical price does not include toothbrushes or blankets. And some of these children have been detained for months, far longer than is legally allowed. $22,000.00 a month is hard to say goodbye to. And besides, the President doesn’t give a shit. Fuck these kids from “shithole” countries; we have money to make! EVIL.
Many of the families whose lives have been destroyed are not “illegals” or even undocumented, but rather asylum seekers. These people have fled horribly violent and dangerous situations out of fear for their lives. It is not illegal to seek political asylum. The fact the U.S. (at least until recently) recognized and honored the ancient judicial concept of asylum is a reflection of our nation’s highest ideals.
But Trump doesn’t know anything about the values of liberty and freedom. He might as well go to the Statue of Liberty and piss on Emma Lazarus’ poem, which reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” But that means nothing to Trump. In his warped mind, Lady Liberty isn’t talking about “shit-hole” countries!
Remember John Kelly? He was Trump’s Chief of Staff and the architect of the Administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border. When he resigned his post, most chalked it up to the frustration of having to deal with Trump’s ignorance and immaturity, but the real reason he left the White House was to take a job on the Board of Directors of Caliburn International—a company that operates a migrant detention facility in Homestead, Florida. This flagrant example of corruption led the conservative Business Insider to write, “John Kelly’s new role on a detention center board set off ethics concerns that he may be profiting from the child separation policy he pushed.” Evil.
There are children rotting in cages without adequate sanitation in order for wealthy capitalists, who already have more money than they could spend in a dozen lifetimes, to make and horde even more money. And Donald Trump’s only concern is how immigration might help his reelection campaign. The man is EVIL.