When the final whistle blows, the teams head toward the locker room. But that’s when the games REALLY begin at this year’s 11th Mobile Bleather Weekend!
Mobile Bleather Weekend is “The South’s Premier Bear/Leather/Levi Event”. Four bars in Mobile unite to present a weekend filled with contests, music and socializing, all centered around a theme. And, in addition to the wildly popular 24th Mr. Gulf Coast Bear Contest, MBW 2019 features the Mr. Mobile Leather Contest. And each event will reflect this year’s theme, “Locker Room 11”
FRIDAY kicks off with Opening Cocktails at Gabriel’s Downtown at 6 pm. Stop by, have a beer and mingle with the early arrivals, as MBW introduces Tampa’s Logan Powell. You’ll be seeing A LOT of Logan over the weekend, as the former Mr. South Texas Leather explores our event for the first time, bringing “extra” energy to MBW, especially on the dance stage.
From there, the crowd migrates around the corner for the Mr. Mobile Leather Contest, 9 p.m. at B-Bob’s Downtown. The contest will be hosted by former New Orleans Lords of Leather ball captain Gary Vandeventer. If you’d like to be a contestant, get details at http://www.mobilebleatherweekend.com. And this just in: Bear Rapper sensation and all-around fun guy, Big Dipper will take the B-Bob’s stage right after the contest! And if you’re inclined to hit the dance floor, Louisville DJ AJ McKay’s Dance Party picks up from there!
But for the more adventurous, The Midtown Pub’s your destination for “JOCK”, this year’s edition of TMP’s “Notorious Black Out Party”. The lights go low as DJ Kenny makes things go “thump” in the night. It’s over when it’s over, so don’t just come and go- stay a while! Logan Powell will be upon TMP’s Famous HOT BOX makin’ it shake! 11 p.m.-until at The Midtown Pub.
SATURDAY’S centerpiece of Mobile Bleather Weekend is the annual Mr. Gulf Coast Bear Contest. But before that hot mess is the annual Mr. GCB Meet the Contestants sipper at Gabriel’s Downtown. This is a great time to mingle with our friends from New Orleans’ Lords of Leather crew. This is also a good chance for late entries to sign up for the contest. It’s 6 p.m. at Gabriel’s Downtown.
The 22nd Annual Mr. Gulf Coast Bear Contest arrives at 9 at B-Bob’s. This is where this year’s Locker Room theme crosses over into the absurd! Our contestants will display their competitive side in bear wear, bear image, and the ever-popular “Less Is More” portion of the show. As always, Louisville’s own A.J. McKay will unleash his potty mouth and unique world view on the contestants and the crowd. Contestants will “pass the boot” during the contest to benefit AIDS Alabama South, Mobile’s HIV/AIDS help agency. There’s a nice cash prize for the winning bear, a fab sash and adoration from everyone! Of course, the spectacle is followed by another, B-Bob’s Famous Floor Show, which happens after we clean up the mess.
But before we leave the locker room and turn out the light, there’s “LATHER”, the fabulous foam party on the patio at Gabriel’s Downtown. It is exactly what the name implies, with Gabriel’s famous patio converted to a frothy dance emporium. And prepare to stay awhile, cause you can dance till dawn!
Remember, there is no run fee for Mobile Bleather Weekend. Just come and have a great time. Our official host hotel is the Quality Inn Downtown featuring a $69 room special for MBW, but you have to contact the hotel directly. For more information on the hotel, events and more, visit the event website, www.mobilebleatherweekend.com
As always, a special thanks to Ambush Magazine for their support of Mobile’s unique celebration of Bear/Leather Pride. We’ll see you in The Birthplace of Mardi Gras (Mobile), for Mobile Bleather Weekend 2019, August 2 & 3, in Beautiful Downtown Mobile, Alabama!