Once upon a time, humans engaged with the possibilities of the future through omens, prophecies, and oracles. The art of astrology evolved out of these practices and now emphasizes your moment of birth, the celestial reflection of who you are. This combination of your birth chart and the usage of that document to divine the past, present, and future is here for your taking. Astrology offers the LGBTQ community a chance to reclaim a space lost to modern science and religion. Ancient pagan cultures venerated divination and celebrated what we now recognize as modern gay elements. These horoscopes are for your entertainment, so let’s start the party that will take us to the stars!
The most important astrological events of the beginning of 2020 are the lunar eclipse and the coming together of Saturn and Pluto. They don’t literally bump into each other in space but do appear next to each other from the vantage point of earth, although Pluto is not visible. Saturn is the Roman equivalent of Chronos, father time, and Pluto is the equivalent of the Greek God Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Around two millennia ago the concepts of the Gods became embodied in the planets, a move that formalized spirit into planetary form. Now we view the movements of the stars and planetary bodies as a clock through which we can understand ourselves in relation to the universe.
But what specifically can these astronomical phenomena tell us about ourselves and the events yet to come? I believe it is the heralding of the death of cold, calculating ambition in favor of the structures that truly serve ourselves and each other. Too often are ambition and success treated as God. This eclipse and Saturn & Pluto coming together indicate the letting go of that striving part of ourselves while maintaining the security that ambition and structure grant. Family and friends are where we make karmic gains giving further credence to the old saying, “it’s lonely on top.”
There are more images than ever flooding the screens before us, appropriating true human connection that gives deep gratification. These images are blinding and chaotic but lead us, if we are attuned, to the reality that each of us is trying to triumph because, deep down, we seek love.
March 21 – April 19
You take up arms for your beliefs this year. Understand these ideas take on a rebellious nature. You will probably engage in some battles. Choose your fights wisely, and make sure you enlist a mentor who has learned to tame his demons in the service of wisdom worth fighting for.
April 20 – May 20
You have a stupendous social year this year. You attend many social gatherings where the food and drink are excellent. However, this can only happen if you don’t think too conservatively about yourself. Getting out and having fun might not seem important but in fact it is the key to your success.
May 21 – June 20
The structuring of your investments come to the fore this year. Some of the conservative moves you have made will do you well, but others will topple. You will need to discern which is which. The way to go is to see this as a juggling act with long term rewards and value what gives you psychic relief above all else.
June 21 – July 22
I’ve been writing about this for a while but the karmic gains you’ve hopefully made come to a culmination through this eclipse. You will feel the effects of this through the first half of the year. This has to do with you personally. Relationship-wise you’re due for some change, and when you open your mind to balancing relationship and self, you achieve more than you thought possible.
July 23 – August 22
Your daily life has taken on a very ambitious tone in recent months. You have a lot of pots on the stove and have big plans. But how do you feel about all of this? If you don’t process your emotions and protect yourself, it will be your undoing.
August 23 – September 22
Ever the worker bee, you have been loving your work more recently. You are also very determined to succeed creatively. However, you truly make gains amongst the friends and social networks that nourish you. There you can really confide in others your hopes & wishes, and allow spirit to help make them come true.
September 23 – October 22
This year, like Taurus, you also have a great social life. However, there is a subtle difference. You bring some insights that you’ve gained recently to the larger group. Ultimately, the lessons you learn individually are best expressed to a wider group. Otherwise, that wisdom exists in a vacuum. And because you’re Libra, it is your will to relate to others.
October 23 – November 21
Your pocketbook grows this year, but only if you take some calculated risks. Lean on a wise mentor who took some risks and, at some point, suffered the slings and arrows. You’ll be able to avoid those same mistakes and make great gains in the process. You’ll also be put in a position to give back some of the wealth you’ll accrue.
November 22 – December 21
You’re on fire this year, even more so than usual. Watch out that you don’t burn yourself out. Your mind and body are in a compulsively aggressive state. A good way to burn off this energy, and make psychic gains, is in the bedroom.
December 22 – January 19
More than any sign, you’re the planetary star of the zodiac this year. With so much emphasis on yourself, you’ll need to rely on a relationship or partnership to nourish you emotionally. Too much focus on the self will have you crippled. You make gains when you put yourself in a state of mind of letting things go that you can’t control.
January 20 – February 18
This started last month, but you have gotten into a loving mood. This is wonderful. The trick is to put this energy into your daily life. It can be hard to see, but how do the daily pleasures in life bring you love? When you open up to this, you value the things that matter more than the sheer brute force of materiality.
February 19 – March 20
This eclipse screams romance for you. Though your emphasis in the coming year will be on friends, you have to make sure romance and creative expression don’t get washed out. In fact it’s being washed away that will lead you to a mad romance that will do you well. Just make sure to protect yourself along the way.
Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. Modern astrology, however, is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking.