Has the current state of affairs put a damper on your love life? If it hasn’t, shame on you!

But seriously, the need for romance combined with a moment that requires unprecedented social separation is an abiding concern. Being trapped at home is probably magnifying your pent up physical desires leading to feelings of imprisonment. Every cloud has a silver lining, and astrology can supply that hopeful message from the sky. So what is that message?
To understand messages in astrology one must first look to the planet Mercury, the Roman equivalent of Hermes the winged messenger. Though tricky, as Hermes is one of the great tricksters of mythology, he provides the key that unlocks the door to deeper insights. Mercury is in a good position through the end of May being in the communicative sign of Gemini, his home sign, but is said to dispose Venus who is not as much at home in the sign of Gemini where she currently finds herself.
Remember planets occupy signs and the signs govern how the planets are operating. Putting it together, your mind is on love! So who can help? Eros.
Eros was the son of Aphrodite, the Roman equivalents being Cupid and Venus. Eros can help you understand your erotic impulses by diving head first into what it is you’re truly desiring.
Since these past couple of months have had you in chains at home, it’s a perfect time for some self-reflection, and a great opportunity to take care of business on your own. It’s critical to note that Eros truly is love, and love can mean physical pleasure, creativity, beauty, and/or affection.
Over the next couple of weeks, Eros will be moving through Aries, sign of self-assertion, and Taurus, the sign of intractable earth. Take this chance over the next couple of weeks to analyze, express, and experiment with the nature of your personal erotic impulses. Then, like a sitting bull, collect the gains you’ve made.
March 21 – April 19
With Eros moving through your sign, Aries, and your sign of money, Taurus, you’re money! This is reflected in ancient astrology as the house of creativity and romance was where Venus found her joy. Venus is also money in astrology. Love doesn’t always have to be irrational, and when you explore your own erotic self-expression, this opens up doors for you.
April 20 – May 20
Eros will be moving through your sector of spirituality and then your sector of self. The message is to let go of an old love. You can’t move forward in love and life without letting go of the old. The key is to value your own self-expression in areas of romance, and then you will experience a rebirth.
May 21 – June 20
You may be hit hardest by this transit as you desperately, like a child, want love. You’re looking towards social networks, but clearly that is not an option right now. You’re best bet is to wait, hope for brighter days, and trust in the universe. If you stop trying so hard, good things can happen.
June 21 – July 22
“Everything is about sex except sex. Sex is about power” – Oscar Wilde. This applies to your career and your hopes for your career. Of course, sexual harassment guidelines need to be followed, but there is no denying the power of sexual self-expression as a means to gain power. Workplace fantasies can be sublimated into true career advancement.
July 23 – August 22
While international travel has come to a halt, this doesn’t mean you can’t fantasize about a tryst that happens abroad. Sometimes the way to enlightenment is by experiencing internal ecstasies as opposed to traveling through time and space to get to them. You are a naturally expressive sign, so disclosing some of your fantasies gives you the attention you’re seeking.
August 23 – September 22
Out of all the signs, you have the best chance to probe the darkest recesses of your erotic impulses, making deep psychic gains. The subconscious is now understood by psychologists as the driving motivation of our actions. Acting on these impulses carries its risks, but has its rewards. Exploring these uncharted waters in solitude can be frightening but Illuminating.
September 23 – October 22
This is not the time to hold back on the relationship front. A partner will be like Cupid, shooting arrows at you. Let your heart be pierced, and reap the rewards from this fall. Merging with this partner helps you expand your horizons and go farther than you would have otherwise.
October 23 – November 21
Stop and breathe in the fresh air. Platonic love is the key for you. The flowers, the clouds, a cup of espresso—these things and activities are how you experience love. As one of the most intense, and oftentimes sexual, signs of the zodiac, this might be a challenge. Focus on simple, daily delights, and you’ll find the love you’re seeking.
November 22 – December 21
Out of all the signs this month, Cupid’s bow really hits you. Enjoy this, as you are usually the one shooting arrows, as you are the archer. Allow yourself to use the romance that blossoms over the next couple of weeks as a chance to experience yourself on a purely personal level. That might sound strange. After all, isn’t love about two people? But erotic self- expression is just as important for your partner as it is for yourself.
December 22 – January 19
Though you’re probably the sign most interested with your public reputation, some love on the home front is the astrological doctor’s order. Home-cooked meals and slow burn romance touches the heart and takes you away from the massive changes and losses you may have been experiencing. Cupid’s bow helps. Look at this as a pivot, and find good fortune where you least expect it.
January 20 – February 18
You are one of the most social signs of the zodiac, so these past couple of months have been difficult for you. However, love on the family front, especially amongst siblings, really helps here. Family love returns you to a deeply satisfying place like no other. Use the window of this transit to see that family connections are the most critical in life.
February 19 – March 20
Love and money really do go together, according to astrology. This is usually reserved for Venus, but her son Eros has something to say. Think about what you value sexually and this can inform how you approach finances and, generally, the resources you have to work with. Objects hold energy too, and electric attraction to them should not be discounted. Beauty and the recognition of beauty is a kind of eroticism.
Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. Modern astrology, however, is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking.
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