Have you observed your mind lately? You don’t have a choice at this moment, do you? With globally mandated social distancing, your gaze is cast upon your inner world, your Inner Makeup. This may be frightening, as it is so easy to turn one’s attention outward, all the while forgetting that outer reality is a reflection of one’s internal state. However, this is an opportunity to watch your mind run freely and hop along for the ride. Thinking and cognitive processes, symbolized by the planet Mercury, are given a huge boost as he literally and symbolically passes through the heart of the sun. The planet of love, harmony, and beauty—Venus—finds herself in the playful sign of Gemini, the twins who can’t be without one another. Venus and Mercury are said to mutually receive each other, that is, they are in the others’ homes. Think of it as a non-dramatic, successful episode of wife swap. All of this sounds good, right? But there is a problem—Neptune. Neptune will be squaring off against Venus, creating a ninety degree angle that tensely manifests Venusian energy into potentially decadent, illusory glamour. There will be a temptation to believe this deception is real, but don’t be fooled. The trick is to hold steady as your mind bends and ultimately transforms you. Mercury the clever messenger actually helps here. But remember, unless you can bring madness into form, this hazy enchantment will easily result in your dissolution.
Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. Modern astrology, however, is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking.
Aries: March 21 – April 19
After the week of Cinco de Mayo, the angst you’ve been feeling about social distancing subsides. This tension will have driven you to a solitary, spiritual state which, if you go with the flow, liberates you. By the second week of June, if you follow a path to enlightenment, you achieve the apotheosis of your journey towards transcendence.
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
You’re one of the signs that stands to benefit the most over the next two weeks. But you must keep your wits about you. Ideas and fancies will be in overdrive, so take seriously Buddha’s admonition that with our thoughts we create the world. The great upshot to this is that through hoping and wishing you can make some magic happen for yourself. However, watch that you aren’t temped to prematurely get together with friends.
Gemini: May 21- June 20
Your thoughts are on the collective right now and you can approach this one of two ways. The first is letting your mind draw you into a situation where you sacrifice yourself. The second is to realize that you are connected to the collective but that this is more of a philosophical abstraction. Be careful how you act. You may be feeling sentimental about the plight of society at large, but your motivation might be vainer than is immediately apparent.
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
You begin a cycle that lasts for a year and a half exactly this week. This is the north node of the moon, the point where the moon crosses the path of the sun, moving into Gemini. The best way to make karmic gains with this transit is to have fun! Letting loose can provide just as much of a spiritual release as meditation. A few drinks will do you good, especially the week of Cinco de Mayo. Get the party started!
Leo: July 23 – August 22
This is an extraordinary time to envision for yourself where you want to be in your career over the next few years. Really leverage your social networks right now and always have the bottom line in mind. Sharing common business goals and dreams are the keys to a wellspring of success. Change is happening, so you do best when you adapt.
Virgo: August 23 – September 22
You have an opportunity over the next couple of weeks to ponder the philosophical precepts of why it is you do what you do, especially with regard to matters concerning daily life, work, and career. Since coronavirus, there has been massive disruption in your everyday routine. While recent events have been unprecedented and paradigm-altering, you have a window through this disruption to make a big shift in the way your life functions.
Libra: September 23 – October 22
The planet that rules you, Venus, has been in a good place since the beginning of March. This has given you abundance, but the key is not to waste what you’ve gained. The best thing you can do is count your blessings and rest up. Review the boundaries you seek to place upon yourself so you can achieve inner abundance as reflected in the outer materials you’ve acquired.
Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
Your mind is quick to focus on relationships. This is not altogether bad but will cause some confusion. Madness in relationships and partnerships is necessary to get to the underlying motivations of each partner. The challenge is not to so completely lose yourself that you drown. Let your mind run free but then reign it in as if you are flying a kite.
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
These next two weeks start a new cycle where a part of you is taken away but receives spiritual gains. This is a cycle that lasts a year and a half. You do best to focus on others and how you merge with them to expand yourself in the world at large. You don’t always have to focus on yourself to make progress personally.
Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
I’ve been writing about this for a while, but the cycle that has killed a part of you stops this week. You benefit from this spiritually more than you can imagine. Both structure and the dissolution of structure are two heads of one mind and body. It is a dance—the structure that allows steady continuity and the enchantment that washes you away.
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Your mind is on the love and nurturance you receive at home. And this is actually happening. But be careful you weigh the cost of how this impacts your pocketbook. Your need to viscerally connect with another might be the end of the matter for you no matter how good the lovin’ feels.
Pisces: February 19 – March 20
After the week of Cinco de Mayo, you spring into action. The lack of clarity you’ve been feeling about your future magically manifests into reality. I asked you to apply scientific rigor to this lack of clarity in the weeks prior, and if you’ve done that, you’ll be surprised by how well it turns out. Now is the time to move with the magic instead of relying on logical thought processes.