Astrology was originally understood as omens, prophecies, and oracles. Whenever you go to a psychic, tarot reader, or an astrologer like me, you’re engaging with the possibilities of the future. But modern astrology is also the alignment of the heavens at your moment of birth that serves as the signature of your personality. This combination of your star chart and sun sign—Aries, Taurus, etc.—and the usage of that tool to divine the future is here for your taking. Astrology offers the LGBTQ community a chance to reclaim a space lost to modern science and religion. Ancient pagan cultures venerated divination and celebrated what we now recognize as modern gay elements. These horoscopes are for your entertainment, so let’s start the party that will take us to the stars!
The infamous Mercury Retrograde has come to a close. During the last few weeks there was tremendous opportunity to gain insights into all the areas in life that go unseen. Hopefully, this went reasonably well for you. Or if it was a disaster, hey, you still learned something. But the knowledge you acquired translates into true, penetrating power. The question is, how will you use this newfound wisdom? Will you continue to go deeper, probing the depths of your psyche and use what you’ve gained towards creative ends? Or will you use this new power to manipulate, coerce, or control? Regardless, these are the materials with which you have been endowed.
There is an opening here for you to seriously engage with the occult, and if you do, proceed with caution. Going into the darkness is necessary, but make sure you have some sort of guiding light. Fresh as your newly transfigured self may be, armed and ready, don’t take unnecessary risks. Getting spiritual can nourish the soul but it can also deplete it and take it out of the material realm which we inhabit. You feel lonely in this process which is a sojourn, but striking out by yourself will ironically bring you new friends. Be careful, though, as there are people on the road who have less than good intentions.
March 21 – April 19
Now is the time to act on a financial matter you’ve been mulling over. This has to do with joint finances, taxes, wills, or inheritances. You have the chance to get to the bottom of things over the next couple of months. You might have to learn a thing or two about forensic finance but once you do, you’re flying high.
April 20 – May 20
There is some hidden money related to your father that is yet undiscovered. You might have to be crafty to get to it, but you’ll enjoy the journey of unearthing what will be your treasure. This will also take you on a spiritual journey that connects you more deeply to your father’s history, so this search will be valuable for the money you’ll find but invaluable for the experience.
May 21 – June 20
In the last couple weeks of November, you find yourself benefiting from a great relationship. Make sure you plan for the future with this partnership because in the coming year it will become more about building long term structures than enjoying fun and games. Real partnership is not about the good times but making sure you have the shelter to weather the bad times.
June 21 – July 22
You might have had your eyes on a coworker. The romantic attraction is reaching its climax right now. You have a choice to make—observe your own behavior from a detached, analytical vantage point or dive headfirst into a steamy affair. Unrequited love can be masochistically satisfying and love that can lead to one’s undoing is sometimes worth the price if it can help you transcend the often mundane nature of existence.
July 23 – August 22
The next couple of weeks you feel that your expressive, performative powers are at their highest. This is an area where you excel. But out of all the signs, you might have the greatest chance to use this power for creative purposes or towards manipulative ends. The choice is yours but remember that the coercion of others actually leads one to loneliness.
August 23 – September 22
It would be a good idea to reinitiate communication with your siblings. Whether you’ve lost touch or been estranged there is a real chance to connect deeply with them. This might not necessarily be easy but you can act on some issues that have been blocking a more fruitful relationship. The key is to listen to one another and even hold hands and hug as Mars’ location is in “the hand.”
September 23 – October 22
This is a great time to make a move with regard to your finances. What is a big change you could make with your money that could result in considerable gains? I’m thinking that some of your money that has been tied up with institutions related to real estate might need restructuring. As long as you know the motivations of those with whom you’re dealing, you’re in the driver’s seat.
October 23 – November 21
For the next couple of months you’ll be focused on yourself in a very active way. A partner, however, could be disruptive. Don’t let this bother you. You do have a tendency to get in deep with others, but if you continue to focus on yourself, this relationship will not trip you up.
November 22 – December 21
You have a deep, pressing need to transform spiritually. This type of spirituality takes on a darker more occult tone and is a contrast to traditional forms of spirituality. You find solace in visiting a cemetery and paying your respects to a loved one or at least meditating on the impermanence of life. This will allow you to appreciate what you have all the more.
December 22 – January 19
By the beginning of December you’ll get a much needed boost to your general sense of self. This will last for the next year. Physically you’ll be doing well but don’t press your luck. Get into the headspace of envisioning what’s possible and using your good fortune to that end.
January 20 – February 18
This is a great time to make some moves in your career. Whether you change careers or change the way your career is functioning, for the next couple of months, you make a transformation. This might not be easy, but it is right. You’ll thank yourself that you made these moves when you did.
February 19 – March 20
You have a great window through the end of November to enjoy the fruits of your career. Enjoy these last couple of weeks through Thanksgiving because the next few weeks will see social networks taking precedent. Make sure those outings don’t deplete you, and make the most practical use of your contacts. Like Joan Rivers said, at the end of the day, it’s all business.