Donald Trump’s recent “shithole” comment about countries comprised mostly of brown people is the latest confirmation of decent people’s worst fears about the megalomaniac currently occupying the White House, namely that he is ignorant, crude, racist, and generally despicable. The comment came as no surprise to those who have long since resigned themselves to the fact Trump is a national disgrace and an utter embarrassment. Nor was the irony of an asshole who constantly spouts bullshit making such a remark lost on thinking people.
Of course, the crass statement was a big hit with his supporters, who share his bigoted views—a sad reality that caused me to once again consider his voters and ask yet again, who in the hell are these people?
The answer is almost as scary as Trump himself. Four out of five white Evangelical Christians voted for Trump and white fundamentalist Christians constitute the majority of those still supporting him. This bizarre fact goes beyond what we already knew about the hypocrisy of right-wing religious zealots. Their stubborn support of a man who is the antithesis of everything Christ was and preached evokes a colossal WTF?
They claim they find his personal character and conduct offensive, yet they are perfectly willing to overlook his potty-mouth, insatiable greed, ugly intolerance, unabashed lust, and supreme selfishness because he advocates policies they agree with. In other words, the ends justifies the means. Now that’s a gospel Jesus would find very alien.
Never mind the fact that Jesus looked more like Osama bin Laden that someone from, say, Norway. Never mind the fact that Jesus said it was harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than to pass through the eye of a needle. Never mind that Jesus preached against greed more than any other sin. Never mind the fact that Jesus commanded pay unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and pay unto God that which is God’s. And never mind the fact that Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world.”
And although Jesus never, ever said a word—not one word—about abortion (even though infanticide was legal in the Roman Empire) or homosexuality (even though it was common in the Roman Empire). These are the issues white Evangelicals get their collective panties in a wad over. Oh, and guns. Because the Prince of Peace wants his followers to pack heat.
The ballbuster is that Trump doesn’t give a damn about those issues. He and the republicans in Congress pay lip service to those issues, for sure, but their real agenda is naked greed in the form of tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the poor.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Shitholes.