Mardi Gras madness is in full swing, in spite of dire predictions to the contrary, at least so far, the weather is holding up for the crowds. I managed to make it to Gallier Hall for parades Thursday and Friday, many thanks as always to Council member Nadine Ramsey for the invite pass. We hope for continued at least agreeable weather, and a good safe time for the whole holiday.
Decent weather and good crowds should bode well for the bars, restaurants, tour company’s and our favorite spots in and around the Quarter. No better place to eat a lot drink a lot and love a lot!!!!
I have been able to broaden my social life considerably lately, Sunday afternoons have become a lot more “active” usually torn between ZINGO at the Corner Pocket, and REBA’s 5 o’clock Gospel show at the Golden Lantern. Always a good crowd, a good time, and a good way to end a weekend.
Even as Mardi Gras is upon us, we have started to look ahead to the Gay Easter Parade. We have had the rst preliminary conversations to plan and put on a great event on Easter Sunday afternoon. We are already getting requests for Carriages and Marching Groups who want to participate. We are going to do our part to make sure a good time and fun experience is had by our participants and the public who has come to look so forward to the Parade.
Unfortunately, I am faced with, what has become an all to frequent task lately, I personally and the larger LGBT community has lost two more prominent members this week. We just learned of the death of Shane Scallian and Jerry Zachary. We certainly extend our sympathy and fond wishes to their family and loved ones. I had known Jerry for a number of years, and as so often is the case we lost touch, moved in different directions, only years later to re connect at a MoveOn.Org meeting of all places. From there we began to turn up at more and more of the same places and activities. While infrequent, I always enjoyed our visits and his conversations.
Another life well lived, and time well spent.