There is a new hit song, Montero, by Lil Nas X, whose controversial video has recently become the talk of Pop Culture. The song’s lyrics reflect the classic love story between a young gay boy who falls for a closeted guy. Lord knows that I have been there! Although many gays praise the young rapper for his catchy and relatable lyrics, others, both gay and straight alike, find a … [Read more...] about The Conflict With Religion
Let’s Stay Safe! Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine!
Have you ever watched the movie Titanic? This 1997 iconic movie has so many great scenes that I still remember to this day. Of course, there is the scene when Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Jack, stood at the front of the boat exclaiming that he was, “King of the World!” There is also the scene where he is asked to paint Kate Winslet’s character, Rose, like “one of his … [Read more...] about Let’s Stay Safe! Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine!
The New Leprosy
I grew up in an extremely Catholic family. We went to church every Sunday. Every meal began with a prayer. Being involved in the church was a sort of requirement growing up. Religion meant so much to me that I decided to major in theology when I began college. One of my favorite things to do during my time studying was reading the Bible. I was fascinated by … [Read more...] about The New Leprosy
The Road Ahead Part Two
It has been almost 100 days since our wonderful state was first placed under a “stay at home” order. Not much has changed in the 97 days that have led up to this article. Things are almost exactly the same. My routine is pretty simple. I’ll wake up, usually sometime in the late morning. I’ll see my clients via teletherapy, go for a run in the wonderful New Orleans … [Read more...] about The Road Ahead Part Two
The Road Ahead
The year 2020 seems like some sort of weird dream. I remember standing in a bar counting down the seconds until the ball dropped at midnight to signal what I thought would be an amazing year moving forward. Boy was I wrong! I should’ve spent those last seconds of 2019 stocking up on toilet paper or buying hand sanitizer or writing my political debates in preparation for endless … [Read more...] about The Road Ahead
Let’s Get Real About Anxiety
If you’re reading this, congratulations! You have successfully survived the holiday season. You have spent time with the family, budgeted your way through Christmas gifts, and have toasted a new and exciting year. Most importantly, you have managed your anxiety. As a therapist, that is probably the most common word that I hear in my office. My clients love to come in to talk … [Read more...] about Let’s Get Real About Anxiety
Third Wheeling Through Life
It happens all the time. You’re sitting at home watching TV alone, praying that someone will call you and invite you to do something so that you don’t die of boredom. Finally, the phone vibrates! One of your close friends invites you to go grab a drink and a bite to eat with him/her. You race off of the couch to shower and make yourself presentable. You … [Read more...] about Third Wheeling Through Life
Surviving Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time when we come together with our families to celebrate the wonderful things that we are thankful for. My family sits down over a table covered with turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, and many other dishes. Before eating, we stand around the table holding hands while my father, the religious patriarch of the family, says a blessing. We begin eating course after … [Read more...] about Surviving Thanksgiving
Seasonal SADness
It happens around the same time every year for me. Shortly after Halloween ends, stores replace their spooky decorations with cornucopias and turkeys in anticipation of Thanksgiving. Some people completely bypass Turkey Day and have already put up their Christmas trees and decorations for what we call “the most wonderful time of the year”. For some, the holiday season … [Read more...] about Seasonal SADness
I’m a Ghost! Can you see me?
Halloween is almost here! It is by far my favorite holiday. It’s the one time of the year that we can be someone completely different than our everyday selves and no one judges you. If you’re like me, you spend months preparing your costume, making sure that this year’s Halloween look is better than the last. But sometimes, there is a beauty in the simplicity of a … [Read more...] about I’m a Ghost! Can you see me?