To re-cap, in the last issue of Ambush, I had decided to commit a random act of kindness I reached to give her a hand with one of the gigantic Bed Bath & Beyond bags she was clinging to and she said; “Oh, I got these. I need you to carry that.” Here is the continuation and conclusion of Like a Good Neighbor… Sitting on the curb, looking as if someone left … [Read more...] about Like A Good Neighbor… Part 2
Viewing LGBTQ History Through Stage and Film
Gay Pride is celebrated throughout the world on different weekends during the month of June. World PRIDE, in New York City, will be celebrated June 26-30, and that should be a ball! New Orleans PRIDE, which we celebrated June 7-9, was superb! In our great city, anyone who could view our flag flying and rainbows draped around doorways & windows in the French … [Read more...] about Viewing LGBTQ History Through Stage and Film
Pride is a Process: Overcoming Internalized Stigma
June is Pride Month, and many of us are gearing up to celebrate, and also to remember the pioneers who got us where we are today. But what does “pride” mean to you? Is it something you feel to the deepest core of your being? Or is it still a personal goal you are working toward? Maybe you are still struggling to find it. If so, you’re not alone. In this article, I will examine … [Read more...] about Pride is a Process: Overcoming Internalized Stigma
Fuck Pride
Pride season has arrived yet again. Pride parades will roll all over the country throughout the month, and as its 50th Anniversary approaches, Stonewall memes will undoubtedly flood social media. That’s all good and well; however, not everyone in our community is feeling the pride. In fact, some folks are not proud of Pride at all—at least not what it has become. This … [Read more...] about Fuck Pride
Like A Good Neighbor… Part 1
Recently, in Manhattan, there was a day; one day that was absolutely perfect. It was the first of its kind this year. It was as if Mother Nature had spritzed the entire city with Windex and wiped away the dull, gray grime of recent months to reveal a clean, sparkling look into what summer might bring. In recent years, midtown Manhattan has become what Chelsea used to be: the … [Read more...] about Like A Good Neighbor… Part 1
Past and Present: Pride and Freedom for ALL
In 2019, we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall, Woodstock Nation, Women’s Liberation, and Gay Pride. And so much more in our brave community of LGBTQ individuals, groups, and organizations. I’ve included Woodstock Nation and Women’s Liberation in order to give background and context to where we are now, and why we can actually celebrate Pride as we do. … [Read more...] about Past and Present: Pride and Freedom for ALL
Pride and the Church
As I mentioned the last time that we visited, I had the honor of doing a Benediction for a Pride event several years ago. It was very modest by today’s standards. By the time you read this in the air-conditioned place of your choice, I will likely have lost ten pounds of water weight marching in the New Orleans Pride Parade this year. I will be following a float and a truck, … [Read more...] about Pride and the Church
Fifty Shades of Gay – The Hanky Code
Fetishes fascinate me. Actually, it’s not the particular fetish that I find interesting, but more the journey of self-discovery that leads a person towards a particular fetish. For example, there is a fetish known as Tamakeri (Japanese translation: ball kicking) Yep, it’s just what it sounds like; the erotic pleasure of being kicked in the nuts. Uh… that’s a ‘hard pass’ for … [Read more...] about Fifty Shades of Gay – The Hanky Code
From Russia with Oil
Donald Trump, Jr., after lying for months, recently admitted that last year he met with a Russian official who claimed to have information on Hillary Clinton that would aid his father’s presidential campaign. Trump Jr. enthusiastically jumped at the opportunity to obtain dirt on his father’s opponent. The fact that receiving aid from a foreign power, especially an avowed enemy … [Read more...] about From Russia with Oil
Community Engagement
Over the next several issues my hope is to point out several opportunities for community engagement. I also want to acknowledge the ways in which our community is engaged as a model for the greater community. One of the issues I have as both a priest and member of our larger community is that we seem to talk a lot and act less. That is the way it seems. It is no different … [Read more...] about Community Engagement