Stress impacts everything in our lives. The holistic worldview encourages us to consider everything in our life as connected. Through those connections, there are bonds that sustain us throughout life and help to keep us grounded in logic and reality in times of trauma or transition. As we’ve recently discovered, the stress we have lived with since late March is here … [Read more...] about Is Risky Behavior Worth It? Wear a MASK
The Road Ahead Part Two
It has been almost 100 days since our wonderful state was first placed under a “stay at home” order. Not much has changed in the 97 days that have led up to this article. Things are almost exactly the same. My routine is pretty simple. I’ll wake up, usually sometime in the late morning. I’ll see my clients via teletherapy, go for a run in the wonderful New Orleans … [Read more...] about The Road Ahead Part Two
12 Inches That Changed My Life
And just like that the gauntlet had been tossed, without cause, provocation, or ceremony. In the blink of an eye, I had been challenged. In less than an instant, I declined. I reflexively steer clear of the mass-produced trend du jour. A policy that has served me well, as I see videos of those poor bastards roped into the ice water challenge, cinnamon challenge, or … [Read more...] about 12 Inches That Changed My Life
Letter to the Editor from Scott Ellis
Dear Editor: In the deliberations concerning the renaming of Gov. Nichols (the street where I lived in Quarter), I suggest that the street be named Shaw, or Clay Shaw street. Mr. Shaw was a pioneering preservationist and renovator in the Quarter, and a bronze plaque on the present Gov. Nichols honors his efforts. Not only would this honor reflect his efforts in the Quarter, … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor from Scott Ellis
The Road Ahead
The year 2020 seems like some sort of weird dream. I remember standing in a bar counting down the seconds until the ball dropped at midnight to signal what I thought would be an amazing year moving forward. Boy was I wrong! I should’ve spent those last seconds of 2019 stocking up on toilet paper or buying hand sanitizer or writing my political debates in preparation for endless … [Read more...] about The Road Ahead
Beyond the Barricades
As a contributing writer to a contemporary publication, I would feel a bit amoral if I didn’t take this opportunity and use this platform to speak on what has become the largest civil rights movement in history. A movement inspired and enraged by the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man in Minneapolis, killed by police while in their custody. As the COVID-19 … [Read more...] about Beyond the Barricades
Letter to the Editor (June 16, 2020) from Kenneth Mitchell
Editor’s Note: The following letter was sent to Jim Meadows of SAGE New Orleans. It is reprinted here with his and the author’s permission. When asked if I’m ok, I usually give the short answer. “I’m ok,” I typically reply. Here is the long answer. For me, what is troubling is not knowing whom to trust. Pre-Trump, I thought white attitudes were limited to benign … [Read more...] about Letter to the Editor (June 16, 2020) from Kenneth Mitchell
The Normal Heart: AIDS/COVID/Resilience
On May 27, the world lost a giant in the history of the LGBTQ community, Larry Kramer, noted author, playwright, producer, public health advocate, LGBTQ rights activist, and so much more. Those who do not know his story will hopefully learn about him through the multitude of articles and documentaries that will certainly show up in the near future. In order to gain a sense of … [Read more...] about The Normal Heart: AIDS/COVID/Resilience
Filthy Whore SEEKS Hopeless Romantic
As with any relationship, there are so many questions that two men have to answer and negotiate in a romance’s fledgling stage; it can make for a rocky start for anyone who isn’t prepared for the doors of communication to be blown open. Considering the times we live in, one of the questions that many find uncomfortable (including myself) is: Will your new relationship be “open” … [Read more...] about Filthy Whore SEEKS Hopeless Romantic
Adopting Pets for the Wrong Reasons
We love our pets. Some of us are obsessed with our “children,” the cats, dogs, and other non-human creatures at home. During this COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine, the desire for a kitten or puppy has blossomed into a kind of obsession on a national level. A number of news reports have told us that people who have never had a pet, now seem desperate to adopt one. But why … [Read more...] about Adopting Pets for the Wrong Reasons